I am sitting in the Ashgabat airport about to start my journey home. This is a very good thing because I'm exhausted though that may be partially related to sitting in an airport at 2AM local time. Nonetheless, this rotation has felt a lot longer than 8 weeks. Sure I spent a few days in London on the front end, but it has been a hectic end of year push trying to get bids out the door and revenue booked.
One of the little joys of flying home is the food. The food at home is of course great but I actually mean the airline food. I have a strange affinity for airline food and they serve these locally made wraps on the Ashgabat-Baku leg of the trip that are quite tasty. It's not the standard Lufthansa fare which I believe I have now tasted the full range of, or at least the options available to us mere mortals in economy class. Plus the lounge in Frankfurt in terminal C when going home is very good. Definitely superior to the uninspired sausages in the terminal B lounge.
Anyway, boarding soon. And tired of typing on my phone.