Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Deep down, I really dislike conflict. For whatever people think they know about me now or think they knew about my in high school, college or whenever, I find conflict incredibly unappetizing. I like a good debate, lively discussion, a passionate deployment of contrary ideals. But conflict is something else. Something darker.

I've seen plenty of conflict. Not strictly in my own life, but I've seen lots that was tangential (or possibly perpendicular) to my existence. Conflict gets very little done. It's this leech upon peoples' attitude and morale. Unfortunately, there's perpetually a lot of conflict at work.

This is not solely the fault of people here at work. Admittedly, this is a difficult working environment. The hours, labor, and clients all put strains on otherwise sane and normal people. (Though I must question if any normal person could hold a job here.) Thus, my desire to not be a part of the creation of any additional conflict. I have a take on the whole situation that amounts to this: There's so much bullshit that we have to put up with because of the nature of the business that we don't need to go around manufacturing more aggravation. It's basically a corollary to The No Asshole Rule .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

conflict can usually be solved by beer. or punching