Monday, July 28, 2008

tour de france?

Apparently, the Tour de France ended yesterday. Evidently it's as unpopular as ever, especially when you don't own a television.


Anonymous said...

who won?

Scott Hayman said...

you don't own a television?

You gotta change that sometime in the next 29 days.

You should get cable, too. So you can watch Cal games.

And if you can somehow drum up more than one TV (which I'm sure someone as resourceful as yourself could do easily) and hook BOTH of them up to cable, you can watch more than one college football game at a time.

And this brings to light one of the most important questions of the next five months:

Would you really rather be spending your Saturdays doing anything else?

No. You wouldn't. And if you would, then you're a communist.

Brian said...

I guess I'm a communist then. A communist in the employ of capitalist.