Tuesday, June 19, 2007

industry notes

I like to listen to Schlumberger's quarterly results conference calls. It's very illuminating to listen and hear how the company is doing, our positioning relative to competitors, strategic plans, etc. However, what is even more interesting is to hear our CEO's comments on the overall oil and gas industry and what the short and medium-term outlook is for the industry. With many people bemoaning the higher energy costs of recent history, I find it interesting to hear a little bit about how the world got to where it is and where it's going from here. While there isn't going to be a quarterly call for another month, our CEO gave a presentation at a conference a couple weeks ago. The full text is on the Schlumberger website and there's also a link to a .pdf with the full text and some interesting slides.


Anonymous said...

Interesting commentary about the world's immediate energy future, especially the part about using reserves faster than replacing them. Ouch!

Anonymous said...


Does SLB resort to this? It also applies to engineers too. How many new hires (engineers) during the past 12 months are still working for SLB, especially in the Farmington area? High turnover?