Tuesday, July 10, 2007

wedding (not mine)

I'm actually quite excited about the impending wedding. (I suppose impending sounds a bit dire, when upcoming conveys the same meaning without the doom and gloom connotation. Too bad. Impending has a more flair.) It's only the third wedding I've ever been to and it's a first in many respects. As I noted yesterday, it's the first wedding of friends from my peer group. It's also the first wedding where I'll be in the ceremony. I'll be sure to be on my best behavior and cover up my shaved head and scalp tattoo with a wig. I'll try to get a wig that looks like the one Pedro had in Napoleon Dynamite. I'm not sure what I can do about the face tattoo I got though. Perhaps most interesting from a social standpoint, it'll be the first Catholic wedding for me. I'm told they're long, relatively speaking. I'll try to remember not to lock my knees during the ceremony and I'll probably put some Triscuits in my pocket to tide me over if I don't think I'll make it to the reception.


Anonymous said...

So what do you do in the wedding party or ceremony as you call it? Flower girl/boy? Tell the priest to speed up at the altar? Or just stand there like a mannequin!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good approach to me, especially the Triscuits-in-the-pocket and the scalp-tattoo-covering parts.

Anonymous said...

¿El bailar con sus 2 pies izquierdos?

Anonymous said...

How did the wedding weekend go?