It looks like my home internet connection is back for now. We'll see how long this holds up.
The company Christmas, er, Holiday Party is tomorrow night. As pseudo-location manager, I will go and put on a good face for everyone and should probably stay until the end. However, I must confess that I never managed to stay till the end of any of the three parties I attended while in Farmington. In fact, I think I left sooner each year. Sure, it's fun to talk, then eat, then talk some more. It's the dancing, drinking, loud music, more drinking, strange lighting and even more drinking that I don't care for. See the pattern?
As a general rule, I find drinking for the sake of getting drunk one of the most self-destructive things someone can do to themselves. More than anything, this belief developed in college, and it wasn't really Berkeley-specific, but simply something that I became aware of while in college. So many young people piss varying amounts of their time and money and health and well being away. And usually make lots of dubious decisions, typically involving sex or driving, in the process. This isn't a rant against drinking or some Bible-thumping condemnation of the devil's brew. It's more of a sad acknowledgment of lost potential.
Spot on observation. But maybe you could spice things up a bit by dropping that work phone into the punch bowl.
Wine, Women and Song or Drugs, Sex and Rock & Roll...take your pick!
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