Sunday, September 14, 2008

sunday's ike update? or not

Who cares. It didn't hit here and I'm not in Houston and neither are any of my employees. Now, as for North American headquarters, they get enough perks as it is so I shan't be shedding any crocodile tears.

In other fantabulous news, I am taking a moderately well-deserved vacation in two weeks. I'll be overseas haggling over the appropriate color of lederhosen to wear while studying finely crafted timepieces. As to when I'll be back in sunny California? Probably when it isn't so sunny, let's say the week of New Year's if all goes well.


Anonymous said...

Helvetia and Deutschland that is. Just in time for Oktoberfest. Wear your lederhosen and the Bayerischer hut. Drink lots of beer, with pork knuckles & pretzels on the side. Listen to the oom-pah music, you make it! If you get drunk enough, then dance on the table.

If you don’t have a place to stay, well, lots of people sleep in the park as long as you have enough warm clothes

fireandfury said...

glad the hurricane didn't affect your area too much

Anonymous said...

What’s your itinerary? Got the whole trip planned?

Anonymous said...

First week of January? Bring a friend.

Anonymous said...

Not just any other friend.