I have accepted a transfer at work and I am moving to Pointe Noire, Congo. See next post for travel information. I'll consider discussing it more later, but I've got a lot on my mind and a lot to do and very little time left here in Hungary. Basically, we're slow here and we're making cuts and I'm mobile so therefore locally cuttable which means globally transferable. That is all.
Dear Brian,
Reading your blog, more specifically your time in Hungary, it can be pointed out:
1.- You did not take anything from the culture you were exposed to, references were merely work and political news from events in your country and one or two miscellaneous curiosities that you can readily find in a terrible paper like USA Today.
2.- You did not get the hole sense of the winter Olympics which, in my opinion is a great way to see the combination of strength with finesse (Well maybe except Curling)
3.- Why did you get a Mac?, it is known that it is a great tool if you want to develop your creativity i.e. in concrete Media and Music, and for what you have expressed that does not interest you at all.
4.- Although you strive for a minimalistic lifestyle, you are pretty much money oriented my question: Are all the savings targeted to a conventional American retirement? –Although I think you are quite a nice person, based on this blog I also think you are the typical American.
Well all the best in Pointe Noire, I’m sure you’ll do fine, me in turns I will go ahead and twirl my moustache.
I looked up "Pointe Noire, Congo" on Google Maps and there aren't any streets there. Just the intersection of "N1" and "N4".
Is this an actual city, that Google Maps has yet to catch up to?
Also, holy ROFL (yes I did just type that) at describing Brian as a typical American.
Wow, Brian, you are a "Typical American" that I don't really know. I know you do not work for the money, but what I can describe is "Self Actualization." Working for the love of your work. You also could make a lot more money if you work in Silicon Valley that is close to your home.
I know you turned down several job offers and head hunters were hounding you. Especially from other Schlumberger competitors!
You go Brian! Have fun with your new venture. Best of luck.
All interesting comments and all pretty much comments I strongly disagree with. Perhaps a later post (or several) will clear the air.
At the moment, Google Maps isn't so great for some parts of the world for road directions. If you look at the satellite imagery, you can see that only the coastal tip of Pointe Noire has good quality images. Another example is that until a couple months ago, Google Maps didn't work for driving directions in Serbia at all. They have since added it and improved the number of streets they list for Serbia because like Congo, it used to only show major highways.
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