Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Why do I have so many batteries? Why can't I bring myself to get rid of them? Everything I have now either requires a proprietary battery or I use it so infrequently that there's no point in having a large cache of batteries. I have spares for my flashlights and smoke detector. Beyond that, everything else is 'stuff' and I don't need 'stuff''. I need 'things'.

I knew yesterday's post would ramble. It really dealt with two very different ideas. The first was the vulnerability of net oil and gas importing nations. The other was the vulnerability of operators to the sometimes capricious governments of the countries they work in. The latter idea was definitely not as well hewn, but the gist was that service companies are more insulated to such caprice. However, service companies do face a host of other challenges and I'll discuss those some other day, possibly a Monday. But not this coming Monday. That's for what I originally meant to write about yesterday.

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