Saturday, August 19, 2006


At the beginning of last week, two of our supervisors went on vacation. Before I go further, I should mention that the beginning of the week around here is considered Sunday, at least from a time sheet and vacation week perspective. Well, that actually isn't all that relevant, but now you know. The point is that with them on vacation, I was in the field filling in for them. Also come that Sunday was the beginning of every rig finally deciding they wanted a job. So, come that morning, I ended up on three straight jobs in about a 36 hour period. Don't worry, I wasn't doing any driving (more or less) by that third job. Well, except when we may or may not have gotten a truck stuck and some certain company policies on towing vehicles may or may not have been broken and something yadda mumble etc.

Suffice to say, by the end of Monday, I pretty much felt like toasted shit. The rest of the week was fairly busy too and by the time I slogged through to this past Monday I was pretty tapped out. And now it's Friday and the week never ends.


Anonymous said...

Solution to this type of problems is allowing the supervisors to go on vacation at a different time! An accident is bound to happen if one works 3 straight jobs in 36 hours even one doesn't drive. You need a long good break.

See what happens when they told you how great you are. They just want to work you to the ground and turn into a piece of toasted sh........Take this job and shove it !!!!!!!

Brian said...

Well, whoever you are overloaded, you can go shove your comments wherever you thought I should shove my job. And don't bother commenting again.