Sunday, February 11, 2007

at the store

Seen being purchased by the man in front of me:
1 pack of 36 rolls of toilet paper
1 other pack, different brand, of 36 rolls of toilet paper
1 bottle of wine
1 bottle of Scotch (Chivas Regal)
2 bottles of whiskey, different brand than the above Scotch
1 bottle of multi-vitamins
1 container of peeled garlic, 3 lbs
2 pack of chocolate syrup, 48 oz. each
16 pairs of socks
1 blood pressure monitor

He was 30-something, well-dressed, clean-cut, with a wedding ring and was joined as he was leaving by a man I assumed to be his father. If you haven't figured it out yet, this was at a warehouse store, which in Farmington means it was at Sam's Club.

You obviously can't get a complete picture about what someone purchases in a typical run to the store based on seeing their cart one time. People make all sorts of random trips to pick up miscellaneous items, go to multiple stores, plan for parties, etc. Nonetheless, what caught my eye was the toilet paper. I'm down with the two 36-packs of toilet paper, maybe one was for his father, though I got the impression they lived at the same residence. But different brands? Despite what the commercials may have you think, toilet paper is toilet paper is toilet paper. There are only two kinds and only one is available for purchase in stores and that would be the good enough kind. The bad kind is found in college dorms and offices like mine and is only found in someone's home when the last bit of the over-sized roll is removed and placed on top of the dispenser and a new roll is put in and a person takes that remaining portion of a roll, which is still the equivalent of two regular rolls, home with them (which is not something I do, but someone I will always be affiliated with used to do that, but I'm pretty sure no longer does). Take that run-on police!

The other thing that caught my eye is that none of that was what non-vampire fearing people consider to be real food. Unless of course you make meals out of only chocolate syrup, garlic, vitamins, and maybe socks for texture.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What happens to your good "Writings" that you started way back?