Tuesday, February 05, 2008

ron paul rally pictures!

Ha, I bet you didn't expect those Ron Paul rally pictures so soon. I certainly didn't. But, I'm doing laundry and this seems like a perfectly good time to not work at my salaried job. (I could be compiling permits right now, but I'm such a rebel.)

As I mentioned a couple days ago, Ron Paul has some very ardent and creative supporters. And, he's done a very good job of gaining the support of many young, relatively tech savvy 20 and 30-somethings. Just try to picture any of the images linked below at a rally for Clinton or McCain. Perhaps for Obama, or at least with the same enthusiasm, but definitely with different messages being represented.

The first sight that caught my eye was someone holding a rather clever poster. Very funny and very apt if you knew that Ron Paul wishes to abolish the IRS. (Speaking of which, I need to do my taxes. And this will probably be the first year in a while in which I do not receive a refund. We'll see.) But if you didn't know his stance on the IRS and my explanation made it all click, then you've already lost out on the inherest humor. And you have to be familiar with the Geico gecko .

Then there was a young man in a Back to the Future-themed t-shirt. Once again, you gotta know Ron Paul to find it funny. Next, there was a woman with rather nice looking portrait of Ron Paul. Note that he has signed the paining. A true man of his people and the 14th Congressional District of the State of Texas. When was the last time you saw that? Well, let's be honest. When was the last time you were at a rally for a marginal candidate from a major party?

The coup d'etat of the day was when I noticed a young woman as the rally was ending. She was wearing a Guy Fawkes mask! Hilarious. I suppose you not only need to know Ron Paul's positions, but also who Guy Fawkes is or to have seen V for Vendetta. After all, a little revolution now and then is a good thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Check your image urls -- seems like your missing a i in victoria