Sunday, October 10, 2010

this will be interesting

This is hardly new news, and I didn't discuss anything about the BP report on Macondo when it first came out, but the government (whatever that means) will be testing the cement (or at least the cement design if field samples no longer exist, since they probably all sank with the Deepwater Horizon rig) used on that now better-known-than-most cement job.

As for the BP report, which is available in video form, I found it very, um, interesting. The comments made about the cement job were of particular interest to me. Send me an e-mail for why I found it so interesting.


Anonymous said...

I watched & listened to the whole 30 minutes of this audio & the graphic detail of the rig. I am technical challenged! But it sounds like Halliburton has a lot to answer to this probe. Do they always dump the excess mud into the ocean?

buickguy said...

I found the BP report quite interesting. What's your take? Of course, I'll take my answer via email.

Anonymous said...

W/H lifts ban on Deepwater Drilling


Anonymous said...

Europe Considers a Curb on Deepwater Drilling while the US wants to life the ban.