Sunday, November 26, 2006

finally done

We finally finished the job we sort of almost started on Thursday. Why oh why did we have to spend a total of 23 hours on location? (For reference, 10 hours on location would have been very reasonable.) I take solace knowing that we make the client pay through the nose for that kind of crap.


Anonymous said...

Does that mean SLB pays the crew through the nose for missing Thanksgiving and the whole weekend? The "union" would demand a very stiff compensation for this kind of .......

Anonymous said...

No wonder someone posted a comment on your Nov. 7 "churn" blog about why many of the ex-SLB employees left and went to work for this firm in Houston.

You need a vacation. A long one. There are so many places to see. Forget how much the airfares and the € and other currency exchange rate. Take 6 weeks off and travel all over Europe. Recharge your energy before you hate your job.

Brian said...

anonymous #1:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but last I checked, Saturday and Sunday are not holidays. As for he traditional holidays of Thanksgiving and the day after Thanksgiving, yes the employees get paid more. Wage earners get an extra overtime factor and salaried employees get a bonus based on their salary.

anonymous #2:
I suggest that you reread that comment you're referencing.